Does Divicase guarantee its product?
We’re 100% committed to making you happy. Each case is hand-checked by a member of Team Divicase before it goes out the door to ensure you get the best! While we make every effort to ensure your case arrives in perfect condition, sometimes things could happen. If you discover a fault with the item(s) you have received, please take pictures of the defect and contact us right away. We will work with you to guarantee your satisfaction.
Should you wish to return your item(s), please kindly email us with the reason for return, within 10 days from receiving your order (according to the delivery date on the tracking record, if applicable).
Customized products are your unique creative expressions. Returns on customized item(s) for reasons other than Divicase error will be subject to a 50% processing fee on the refund amount (after adjustment of discount/shipping, if required). The shipping fee is non-refundable.
To request further instructions on how to return your order, please email us at Returns without prior communication with us will not be accepted. Online orders cannot be returned to our retail store(s), and vice versa.
Returns made will be refunded in your original form of payment. If the payment was made using a credit/debit card or bank account, there might be a lead time required by PayPal (our credit card settlement service provider) to set up the credit transaction with your bank.
Please note that customers are responsible for all the fees involved in returning items. Return packages remain the responsibility of the customer until it is received by our team. Therefore, it is recommended that the customer takes necessary precautions by using registered and traceable services when returning the package.
Please be advised that the shipping fee and express shipping fee are non-refundable. Any discounts that were applied with a minimum purchase requirement may not be applicable after a removal of the product(s) in an order. For discounts that are applicable on the second/subsequent item, the discount will be revoked on partial return of the order, and the unreturned item will be charged at the original price. A shipping fee may also be applied.
Unauthorized returns will be discarded.